Are Moles Common Pests In Downingtown? | Budget Exterminating Inc.


What Kind Of Animal Or Insect Created This Hole?

Holes sometimes appear around lawns. Some holes are small and have no dirt mounds. Others are large and have lots of dirt around them. Some holes go into the ground at an angle. Others go straight down. Some holes are dug in the center of lawns. Others are dug on the edges of homes, porches, and outbuildings. Keeping all of this in mind, how can you tell the difference between a mole hole and a hole dug by another ground pest? Start by looking for visible mounds of dirt. A mole's mound will have much more finely broken-up dirt rather than chunks of earth. The mound will also be a cinder cone shape like a volcano.

Is A Mole Infestation Common In Downingtown?

Moles are relatively common yard rodents in Downingtown. They typically do not pick yards for any real reason but rather move around and stay in areas that provide them with plenty of grubs, worms, and other food. If one or more of these pests have taken up residence on your property, you will not just notice their holes but also will see visible damage caused by their tunnels. Tunnels are usually dug 3 to 12 inches underground. This leaves room for collapse and visible damage to the roots of the grass, leading to visible trails of dead or indented turf.

What Should You Do About Moles In Your Yard?

How do you fight back against a pest that spends the majority of its life underground? You can try to fill in tunnels with a shovel, but they will just dig new entrance and exit holes. You can wait and hope predators take care of the issue, but you will be waiting a long time. You can try pouring dangerous fluids into entrance points, but you will only be harming your lawn in the process. Plus, moles will just avoid the area that you contaminated. Our recommendation is to avoid difficult DIY mole control options and to skip right to hiring a professional. This will make your life a thousand times easier. Here is what you should know about mole control products and professional mole control here in Downingtown.

Why Should I Hire A Professional For Wildlife Control Service?

If you have noticed holes or damaged grass on your property and are wondering if moles are to blame, let the experts at Budget Exterminating Inc, come out and take a look. We will help identify which ground pest is causing trouble for you and suggest treatments to address your problem quickly. All of our mole pest control is custom-designed to fit our client’s needs and built to eliminate these pests in the least invasive way possible.

Reach out to us now to discuss your options with one of our friendly service technicians. We will walk you through our services and help you schedule an appointment for your Downingtown yard.

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